Reopening NYC Education System | Students - Jeanne Li, Alexander Amy, Guangyu (chris)Yan, Kaiyuan Deng
Distribution of hospital in relation to socio-economic status and elderly citizens walking habits. Student -Choalei Hua
The e relationships between LGBTQ+ communities to religious institutions that condemn same-sex marriage and HIV diagnosis. Student –Isiah Muary
Urban Systems
Urban Tech Hub
Graduate Course Fall 2020 , Cornell Tech
Defending Density – Is this the Death
of the City ?
In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic this course explored the ways in which a city is composed of complex interactions of systems, ranging from infrastructure and transportation to social, cultural, and political systems. Students were introduced to the concept of the city as a “system of systems” and the needs of users operating and interacting within such systems. The course offered a broad perspective on pressing urban challenges such as sustainability, resiliency, and equity. A special focus was placed on emerging technologies such as IoT and Big Data and their practical applications to tackle such challenges. Students gained knowledge of how to model systems to support useful simulations and build solutions. In addition, students developed strategies to transform cities and improve urban life. The course consisted of a combination of classic texts and contemporary read- ings, case studies, site visits, hands-on assignments, team-oriented projects, and visiting lectures by leading urban practitioners.
Students learned how to create interactive maps to visual representant hard and soft systems of the city through hands-on assignment. In addition, in a semester-long group project the students developed a comprehensive strategy to reopen a city after a pandem- ic. Covering Approach to the reopening offices, construction and manufacturing schools and universities, shops and restaurants, cultural and recreational facilities and an overall reopening strategy.